Source code for berserk.utils

from __future__ import annotations

import dateutil.parser

from datetime import datetime, timezone, timedelta
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, NamedTuple, Tuple, TypeVar, Union, cast
from .types.broadcast import BroadcastPlayer

T = TypeVar("T")
U = TypeVar("U")

[docs]def to_millis(dt: datetime) -> int: """Return the milliseconds between the given datetime and the epoch.""" return int(dt.timestamp() * 1000)
[docs]def timedelta_from_millis(millis: float) -> timedelta: """Return a timedelta (A duration expressing the difference between two datetime or date instances to microsecond resolution.) for a given milliseconds.""" return timedelta(milliseconds=millis)
[docs]def datetime_from_seconds(ts: float) -> datetime: """Return the datetime for the given seconds since the epoch. UTC is assumed. The returned datetime is timezone aware. """ return datetime.fromtimestamp(ts, timezone.utc)
[docs]def datetime_from_millis(millis: float) -> datetime: """Return the datetime for the given millis since the epoch. UTC is assumed. The returned datetime is timezone aware. """ return datetime_from_seconds(millis / 1000)
[docs]def datetime_from_str(dt_str: str) -> datetime: """Convert the time in a string to a datetime. UTC is assumed. The returned datetime is timezone aware. The format must match ISO 8601. """ dt = dateutil.parser.isoparse(dt_str) return dt.replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc)
[docs]def datetime_from_str_or_millis(millis_or_str: str | int) -> datetime: """Convert a string or int to a datetime. UTC is assumed. The returned datetime is timezone aware. If the input is a string, the format must match ISO 8601. """ if isinstance(millis_or_str, int): return datetime_from_millis(millis_or_str) return datetime_from_str(millis_or_str)
[docs]class RatingHistoryEntry(NamedTuple): year: int month: int day: int rating: int
def rating_history(data: Tuple[int, int, int, int]): return RatingHistoryEntry(*data) def inner( func: Callable[[T], U], *keys: str ) -> Callable[[Dict[str, T]], Dict[str, T | U]]: def convert(data: Dict[str, T]) -> Dict[str, T | U]: result = cast(Dict[str, Union[T, U]], data) for k in keys: try: result[k] = func(data[k]) except KeyError: pass # normal for keys to not be present sometimes return result return convert def listing(func: Callable[[T], U]) -> Callable[[List[T]], List[U]]: def convert(items: List[T]): return [func(item) for item in items] return convert def noop(arg: T) -> T: return arg
[docs]def build_adapter(mapper: Dict[str, str], sep: str = "."): """Build a data adapter. Uses a map to pull values from an object and assign them to keys. For example: .. code-block:: python >>> mapping = { ... 'broadcast_id': '', ... 'slug': 'broadcast.slug', ... 'name': '', ... 'description': 'broadcast.description', ... 'syncUrl': 'broadcast.sync.url', ... } >>> cast = {'broadcast': {'id': 'WxOb8OUT', ... 'slug': 'test-tourney', ... 'name': 'Test Tourney', ... 'description': 'Just a test', ... 'ownerId': 'rhgrant10', ... 'sync': {'ongoing': False, 'log': [], 'url': None}}, ... 'url': ''} >>> adapt = build_adapter(mapping) >>> adapt(cast) {'broadcast_id': 'WxOb8OUT', 'slug': 'test-tourney', 'name': 'Test Tourney', 'description': 'Just a test', 'syncUrl': None} :param dict mapper: map of keys to their location in an object :param str sep: nested key delimiter :return: adapted data :rtype: dict """ def get(data: Dict[str, Any], location: str) -> Dict[str, Any]: for key in location.split(sep): data = data[key] return data def adapter( data: Dict[str, Any], default: Any = None, fill: bool = False ) -> Dict[str, Any]: result: Dict[str, Any] = {} for key, loc in mapper.items(): try: result[key] = get(data, loc) except KeyError: if fill: result[key] = default return result return adapter
def to_str(players: List[BroadcastPlayer] | None) -> str: if players is None: return "" def individual_str(p: BroadcastPlayer) -> str: return ";".join([str(v) for v in p.values()]) return "\n".join([individual_str(p) for p in players])