Source code for berserk.clients.users

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import Iterator, Dict, List, Any, cast
from deprecated import deprecated

from .. import models
from .base import BaseClient
from ..formats import JSON_LIST, LIJSON, NDJSON
from ..types.common import OnlineLightUser, PerfType
from ..session import Params

[docs]class Users(BaseClient): """Client for user-related endpoints."""
[docs] @deprecated(reason="Use Puzzles.get_puzzle_activity instead", version="0.12.6") def get_puzzle_activity(self, max: int | None = None) -> Iterator[Dict[str, Any]]: """Stream puzzle activity history of the authenticated user, starting with the most recent activity. :param max: maximum number of entries to stream. defaults to all activity :return: stream of puzzle activity history """ path = "/api/puzzle/activity" params = {"max": max} yield from self._r.get( path, params=params, fmt=NDJSON, stream=True, converter=models.PuzzleActivity.convert, )
[docs] def get_realtime_statuses( self, *user_ids: str, with_game_ids: bool = False ) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: """Get the online, playing, and streaming statuses of players. Only id and name fields are returned for offline users. :param user_ids: one or more user IDs (names) :param with_game_ids: whether or not to return IDs of the games being played :return: statuses of given players """ path = "/api/users/status" params: Params = {"ids": ",".join(user_ids), "withGameIds": with_game_ids} return self._r.get(path, fmt=JSON_LIST, params=params)
[docs] def get_all_top_10(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Get the top 10 players for each speed and variant. :return: top 10 players in each speed and variant """ path = "/api/player" return self._r.get(path, fmt=LIJSON)
[docs] def get_by_autocomplete( self, partial_username: str, only_followed_players: bool = False, as_object: bool = False, ) -> List[str] | List[OnlineLightUser]: """Provides autocompletion options for an incomplete username. :param partial_username: the beginning of a username, must provide >= 3 characters :param only_followed_players: whether to return matching followed players only, if any exist :param as_object: if false, returns an array of usernames else, returns an object with matching users :return: followed players matching term if any, else returns other players. Requires OAuth. """ path = "/api/player/autocomplete" params: Params = { "term": partial_username, "object": as_object, "friend": only_followed_players, } response = self._r.get(path, fmt=LIJSON, params=params) if as_object: return cast(List[OnlineLightUser], response.get("result", [])) return cast(List[str], response)
[docs] def get_leaderboard(self, perf_type: PerfType, count: int = 10): """Get the leaderboard for one speed or variant. :param perf_type: speed or variant :param count: number of players to get :return: top players for one speed or variant """ path = f"/api/player/top/{count}/{perf_type}" return self._r.get(path, fmt=LIJSON)["users"]
[docs] def get_public_data(self, username: str) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Get the public data for a user. :return: public data available for the given user """ path = f"/api/user/{username}" return self._r.get(path, converter=models.User.convert)
[docs] def get_activity_feed(self, username: str) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: """Get the activity feed of a user. :return: activity feed of the given user """ path = f"/api/user/{username}/activity" return self._r.get(path, fmt=JSON_LIST, converter=models.Activity.convert)
[docs] def get_by_id(self, *usernames: str) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: """Get multiple users by their IDs. :param usernames: one or more usernames :return: user data for the given usernames """ path = "/api/users" return path, data=",".join(usernames), fmt=JSON_LIST, converter=models.User.convert )
[docs] def get_live_streamers(self) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: """Get basic information about currently streaming users. :return: users currently streaming a game """ path = "/api/streamer/live" return self._r.get(path, fmt=JSON_LIST)
[docs] def get_rating_history(self, username: str) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: """Get the rating history of a user. :return: rating history for all game types """ path = f"/api/user/{username}/rating-history" return self._r.get(path, fmt=JSON_LIST, converter=models.RatingHistory.convert)
[docs] def get_crosstable( self, user1: str, user2: str, matchup: bool = False ) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: """Get total number of games, and current score, of any two users. :param user1: first user to compare :param user2: second user to compare :param matchup: Whether to get the current match data, if any """ params = {"matchup": matchup} path = f"/api/crosstable/{user1}/{user2}" return self._r.get( path, params=params, fmt=JSON_LIST, converter=models.User.convert )
[docs] def get_user_performance(self, username: str, perf: str) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: """Read performance statistics of a user, for a single performance. Similar to the performance pages on the website """ path = f"/api/user/{username}/perf/{perf}" return self._r.get(path, fmt=JSON_LIST, converter=models.User.convert)