Source code for berserk.clients.tournaments

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import Iterator, Any, Dict, List, cast

from .. import models
from ..formats import NDJSON, NDJSON_LIST, PGN, TEXT
from .base import FmtClient
from ..types import ArenaResult, CurrentTournaments, SwissInfo, SwissResult
from ..types.tournaments import TeamBattleResult

[docs]class Tournaments(FmtClient): """Client for tournament-related endpoints."""
[docs] def get(self) -> CurrentTournaments: """Get recently finished, ongoing, and upcoming arenas. :return: current arenas """ path = "/api/tournament" return cast( CurrentTournaments, self._r.get(path, converter=models.Tournament.convert_values), )
[docs] def get_tournament(self, tournament_id: str, page: int = 1) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Get information about an arena. :param tournament_id: tournament ID :param page: the page number of the player standings to view :return: tournament information """ path = f"/api/tournament/{tournament_id}?page={page}" return self._r.get(path, converter=models.Tournament.convert)
[docs] def join_arena( self, tournament_id: str, password: str | None = None, team: str | None = None, should_pair_immediately: bool = False, ) -> None: """Join an Arena tournament. Also, unpauses if you had previously paused the tournament. Requires OAuth2 authorization with tournament:write scope. :param tournament_id: tournament ID :param password: tournament password or user-specific entry code generated and shared by the organizer :param team: team with which to join the team battle Arena tournament :param should_pair_immediately: if the tournament is started, attempt to pair the user, even if they are not connected to the tournament page. This expires after one minute, to avoid pairing a user who is long gone. You may call "join" again to extend the waiting. """ path = f"/api/tournament/{tournament_id}/join" params = { "password": password, "team": team, "pairMeAsap": should_pair_immediately, }, params=params, converter=models.Tournament.convert)
[docs] def get_team_standings(self, tournament_id: str) -> TeamBattleResult: """Get team standing of a team battle tournament, with their respective top players. :param tournament_id: tournament ID :return: information about teams in the team battle tournament """ path = f"/api/tournament/{tournament_id}/teams" return cast(TeamBattleResult, self._r.get(path))
[docs] def update_team_battle( self, tournament_id: str, team_ids: str | None = None, team_leader_count_per_team: int | None = None, ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Set the teams and number of leaders of a team battle tournament. :param tournament_id: tournament ID :param team_ids: all team IDs of the team battle, separated by commas :param team_leader_count_per_team: number of team leaders per team :return: updated team battle information """ path = f"/api/tournament/team-battle/{tournament_id}" params = {"teams": team_ids, "nbLeaders": team_leader_count_per_team} return, params=params)
[docs] def create_arena( self, clockTime: int, clockIncrement: int, minutes: int, name: str | None = None, wait_minutes: int | None = None, startDate: int | None = None, variant: str | None = None, rated: bool | None = None, position: str | None = None, berserkable: bool | None = None, streakable: bool | None = None, hasChat: bool | None = None, description: str | None = None, password: str | None = None, teamBattleByTeam: str | None = None, teamId: str | None = None, minRating: int | None = None, maxRating: int | None = None, nbRatedGame: int | None = None, ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Create a new arena tournament. .. note:: ``wait_minutes`` is always relative to now and is overridden by ``start_time``. .. note:: If ``name`` is left blank then one is automatically created. :param clockTime: initial clock time in minutes :param clockIncrement: clock increment in seconds :param minutes: length of the tournament in minutes :param name: tournament name :param wait_minutes: future start time in minutes :param startDate: when to start the tournament (timestamp in milliseconds) :param variant: variant to use if other than standard :param rated: whether the game affects player ratings :param position: custom initial position in FEN :param berserkable: whether players can use berserk :param streakable: whether players get streaks :param hasChat: whether players can discuss in a chat :param description: anything you want to tell players about the tournament :param password: password :param teamBattleByTeam: ID of a team you lead to create a team battle :param teamId: Restrict entry to members of team :param minRating: Minimum rating to join :param maxRating: Maximum rating to join :param nbRatedGame: Min number of rated games required :return: created arena info """ path = "/api/tournament" payload = { "name": name, "clockTime": clockTime, "clockIncrement": clockIncrement, "minutes": minutes, "waitMinutes": wait_minutes, "startDate": startDate, "variant": variant, "rated": rated, "position": position, "berserkable": berserkable, "streakable": streakable, "hasChat": hasChat, "description": description, "password": password, "teamBattleByTeam": teamBattleByTeam, "conditions.teamMember.teamId": teamId, "conditions.minRating.rating": minRating, "conditions.maxRating.rating": maxRating, "conditions.nbRatedGame.nb": nbRatedGame, } return, json=payload, converter=models.Tournament.convert)
[docs] def create_swiss( self, teamId: str, clockLimit: int, clockIncrement: int, nbRounds: int, name: str | None = None, startsAt: int | None = None, roundInterval: int | None = None, variant: str | None = None, description: str | None = None, rated: bool | None = None, chatFor: int | None = None, ) -> Dict[str, Any]: # Probably SwissInfo """Create a new swiss tournament. .. note:: If ``name`` is left blank then one is automatically created. .. note:: If ``startsAt`` is left blank then the tournament begins 10 minutes after creation :param teamId: team ID, required for swiss tournaments :param clockLimit: initial clock time in seconds :param clockIncrement: clock increment in seconds :param nbRounds: maximum number of rounds to play :param name: tournament name :param startsAt: when to start tournament (timestamp in milliseconds) :param roundInterval: interval between rounds in seconds :param variant: variant to use if other than standard :param description: tournament description :param rated: whether the game affects player ratings :param chatFor: who can read and write in the chat :return: created swiss info """ path = f"/api/swiss/new/{teamId}" payload = { "name": name, "clock.limit": clockLimit, "clock.increment": clockIncrement, "nbRounds": nbRounds, "startsAt": startsAt, "roundInterval": roundInterval, "variant": variant, "description": description, "rated": rated, "chatFor": chatFor, } return, json=payload, converter=models.Tournament.convert)
[docs] def export_arena_games( self, id: str, as_pgn: bool | None = None, moves: bool = True, tags: bool = True, clocks: bool = False, evals: bool = True, opening: bool = False, ) -> Iterator[str] | Iterator[Dict[str, Any]]: """Export games from an arena tournament. :param id: tournament ID :param as_pgn: whether to return PGN instead of JSON :param moves: include moves :param tags: include tags :param clocks: include clock comments in the PGN moves, when available :param evals: include analysis evaluation comments in the PGN moves, when available :param opening: include the opening name :return: iterator over the exported games, as JSON or PGN """ path = f"/api/tournament/{id}/games" params = { "moves": moves, "tags": tags, "clocks": clocks, "evals": evals, "opening": opening, } if self._use_pgn(as_pgn): yield from self._r.get(path, params=params, fmt=PGN, stream=True) else: yield from self._r.get( path, params=params, fmt=NDJSON, stream=True, converter=models.Game.convert, )
[docs] def export_swiss_games( self, id: str, as_pgn: bool | None = None, moves: bool = True, pgnInJson: bool = False, tags: bool = True, clocks: bool = False, evals: bool = True, opening: bool = False, ) -> Iterator[str] | Iterator[Dict[str, Any]]: """Export games from a swiss tournament. :param id: tournament id :param as_pgn: whether to return pgn instead of JSON :param moves: include moves :param pgnInJson: include the full PGN within the JSON response, in a pgn field :param tags: include tags :param clocks: include clock comments :param evals: include analysis evaluation comments in the PGN, when available :param opening: include the opening name :return: iterator over the exported games, as JSON or PGN """ path = f"/api/swiss/{id}/games" params = { "moves:": moves, "pgnInJson": pgnInJson, "tags": tags, "clocks": clocks, "evals": evals, "opening": opening, } if self._use_pgn(as_pgn): yield from self._r.get(path, params=params, fmt=PGN, stream=True) else: yield from self._r.get( path, params=params, fmt=NDJSON, stream=True, converter=models.Game.convert, )
[docs] def export_swiss_trf(self, tournament_id: str) -> str: """Download a tournament in the Tournament Report File format, the FIDE standard. :param tournament_id: tournament ID :return: tournament information in the TRF format """ path = f"/swiss/{tournament_id}.trf" return self._r.get(path=path, fmt=TEXT)
[docs] def tournaments_by_user( self, username: str, nb: int | None = None ) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: """Get arena tournaments created by a user. :param username: username :param nb: max number of tournaments to fetch :return: arena tournaments info """ path = f"/api/user/{username}/tournament/created" params = { "nb": nb, } return self._r.get( path, params=params, fmt=NDJSON_LIST, converter=models.Game.convert )
[docs] def arenas_by_team( self, teamId: str, maxT: int | None = None ) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: """Get arenas created for a team. :param teamId: team ID :param maxT: how many tournaments to download :return: arena tournaments """ path = f"/api/team/{teamId}/arena" params = { "max": maxT, } return self._r.get( path, params=params, fmt=NDJSON_LIST, converter=models.Game.convert )
[docs] def swiss_by_team( self, teamId: str, maxT: int | None = None ) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: """Get swiss tournaments created for a team. :param teamId: team ID :param maxT: how many tournaments to download :return: swiss tournaments """ path = f"/api/team/{teamId}/swiss" params = { "max": maxT, } return self._r.get( path, params=params, fmt=NDJSON_LIST, converter=models.Game.convert )
[docs] def stream_results( self, id: str, limit: int | None = None, sheet: bool = False ) -> Iterator[Dict[str, ArenaResult]]: """Stream the results of a tournament. Results are the players of a tournament with their scores and performance in rank order. Note that results for ongoing tournaments can be inconsistent due to ranking changes. :param id: tournament ID :param limit: maximum number of results to stream :param sheet: add a `sheet` field to player containing their concatenated results. Expensive server computation that slows the stream. :return: iterator over the results """ path = f"/api/tournament/{id}/results" params = {"nb": limit, "sheet": sheet} yield from self._r.get(path, params=params, stream=True)
[docs] def stream_by_creator(self, username: str) -> Iterator[Dict[str, Any]]: """Stream the tournaments created by a player. :param username: username of the player :return: iterator over the tournaments """ path = f"/api/user/{username}/tournament/created" yield from self._r.get(path, stream=True)
[docs] def get_swiss(self, tournament_id: str) -> SwissInfo: """Get detailed info about a Swiss tournament. :param tournament_id: the Swiss tournament ID. :return: detailed info about a Swiss tournament """ path = f"/api/swiss/{tournament_id}" return cast(SwissInfo, self._r.get(path))
[docs] def stream_swiss_results( self, tournament_id: str, limit: int | None = None ) -> Iterator[Dict[str, SwissResult]]: """Results are the players of a swiss tournament with their scores and performance in rank order. Note that results for ongoing tournaments can be inconsistent due to ranking changes. :param tournament_id: the Swiss tournament ID. :param limit: Max number of players to fetch :return: iterator of the SwissResult or an empty iterator if no result """ path = f"/api/swiss/{tournament_id}/results" params = {"nb": limit} yield from self._r.get(path, params=params, stream=True)
[docs] def edit_swiss( self, tournamentId: str, clockLimit: int, clockIncrement: int, nbRounds: int, startsAt: int | None = None, roundInterval: int | None = None, variant: str | None = None, description: str | None = None, name: str | None = None, rated: bool | None = True, password: str | None = None, forbiddenPairings: str | None = None, manualPairings: str | None = None, chatFor: int | None = 20, minRating: int | None = None, maxRating: int | None = None, nbRatedGame: int | None = None, allowList: str | None = None, ) -> Dict[str, SwissInfo]: """Update a swiss tournament. :param tournamentId : The unique identifier of the tournament to be updated. :param clockLimit : The time limit for each player's clock. :param clockIncrement : The time increment added to a player's clock after each move. :param nbRounds : The number of rounds in the tournament. :param startsAt : The start time of the tournament in Unix timestamp format. :param roundInterval :The time interval between rounds in minutes. :param variant :The chess variant of the tournament. :param description : A description of the tournament. :param name : The name of the tournament. :param rated : Whether the tournament is rated. :param password : A password to access the tournament. :param forbiddenPairings : Specify forbidden pairings in the tournament. :param manualPairings : Specify manual pairings for the tournament. :param chatFor :The duration for which the chat is available in minutes. :param minRating : The minimum rating required to participate in the tournament. :param maxRating : The maximum rating allowed to participate in the tournament. :param nbRatedGame : The number of rated games required for participation. :param allowList : Specify an allow list for the tournament. :return A dictionary containing information about the updated Swiss tournament. """ path = f"/api/swiss/{tournamentId}/edit/" payload = { "name": name, "clock.limit": clockLimit, "clock.increment": clockIncrement, "nbRounds": nbRounds, "startsAt": startsAt, "roundInterval": roundInterval, "variant": variant, "description": description, "rated": rated, "password": password, "forbiddenPairings": forbiddenPairings, "manualPairings": manualPairings, "conditions.minRating.rating": minRating, "conditions.maxRating.rating": maxRating, "conditions.nbRatedGame.nb": nbRatedGame, "conditions.allowList": allowList, "chatFor": chatFor, } return, json=payload)
[docs] def join_swiss(self, tournament_id: str, password: str | None = None) -> None: """Join a Swiss tournament, possibly with a password. :param tournament_id: the Swiss tournament ID. :param password: the Swiss tournament password, if one is required. """ path = f"/api/swiss/{tournament_id}/join" payload = {"password": password}, json=payload)
[docs] def terminate_arena(self, tournament_id: str) -> None: """Terminate an Arena tournament. :param tournament_id: tournament ID """ path = f"/api/tournament/{tournament_id}/terminate"
[docs] def terminate_swiss(self, tournament_id: str) -> None: """Terminate a Swiss tournament. :param tournament_id: the Swiss tournament ID. """ path = f"/api/swiss/{tournament_id}/terminate"
[docs] def withdraw_arena(self, tournament_id: str) -> None: """Leave an upcoming Arena tournament, or take a break on an ongoing Arena tournament. :param tournament_id: tournament ID """ path = f"/api/tournament/{tournament_id}/withdraw"
[docs] def withdraw_swiss(self, tournament_id: str) -> None: """Withdraw a Swiss tournament. :param tournament_id: the Swiss tournament ID. """ path = f"/api/swiss/{tournament_id}/withdraw"
[docs] def schedule_swiss_next_round(self, tournament_id: str, schedule_time: int) -> None: """Manually schedule the next round date and time of a Swiss tournament. :param tournament_id: the Swiss tournament ID. :param schedule_time: Timestamp in milliseconds to start the next round at a given date and time. """ path = f"/api/swiss/{tournament_id}/schedule-next-round" payload = {"date": schedule_time}, json=payload)