Source code for berserk.clients.puzzles

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import Iterator, Any, Dict, cast

from .. import models
from ..formats import NDJSON
from .base import BaseClient
from ..types import PuzzleRace

[docs]class Puzzles(BaseClient): """Client for puzzle-related endpoints."""
[docs] def get_daily(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Get the current daily Lichess puzzle. :return: current daily puzzle """ path = "/api/puzzle/daily" return self._r.get(path)
[docs] def get(self, id: str) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Get a puzzle by its id. :param id: the id of the puzzle to retrieve :return: the puzzle """ path = f"/api/puzzle/{id}" return self._r.get(path)
[docs] def get_puzzle_activity( self, max: int | None = None, before: int | None = None ) -> Iterator[Dict[str, Any]]: """Stream puzzle activity history of the authenticated user, starting with the most recent activity. :param max: maximum number of entries to stream. defaults to all activity :param before: timestamp in milliseconds. only stream activity before this time. defaults to now. use together with max for pagination :return: iterator over puzzle activity history """ path = "/api/puzzle/activity" params = {"max": max, "before": before} yield from self._r.get( path, params=params, fmt=NDJSON, stream=True, converter=models.PuzzleActivity.convert, )
[docs] def get_puzzle_dashboard(self, days: int = 30) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Get the puzzle dashboard of the authenticated user. :param days: how many days to look back when aggregating puzzle results :return: the puzzle dashboard """ path = f"/api/puzzle/dashboard/{days}" return self._r.get(path)
[docs] def get_storm_dashboard(self, username: str, days: int = 30) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Get storm dashboard of a player. Set days to 0 if you're only interested in the high score. :param username: the username of the player to download the dashboard for :param days: how many days of history to return :return: the storm dashboard """ path = f"/api/storm/dashboard/{username}" params = {"days": days} return self._r.get(path, params=params)
[docs] def create_race(self) -> PuzzleRace: """Create a new private puzzle race. The Lichess user who creates the race must join the race page, and manually start the race when enough players have joined. :return: puzzle race ID and URL """ path = "/api/racer" return cast(PuzzleRace,