Source code for berserk.clients.bots

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import Iterator, Any, Dict

from .. import models
from ..formats import NDJSON
from .base import BaseClient
from ..types.challenges import ChallengeDeclineReason

[docs]class Bots(BaseClient): """Client for bot-related endpoints."""
[docs] def stream_incoming_events(self) -> Iterator[Dict[str, Any]]: """Get your realtime stream of incoming events. :return: stream of incoming events """ path = "/api/stream/event" yield from self._r.get(path, stream=True)
[docs] def stream_game_state(self, game_id: str) -> Iterator[Dict[str, Any]]: """Get the stream of events for a bot game. :param game_id: ID of a game :return: iterator over game states """ path = f"/api/bot/game/stream/{game_id}" yield from self._r.get(path, stream=True, converter=models.GameState.convert)
[docs] def get_online_bots(self, limit: int | None = None) -> Iterator[Dict[str, Any]]: """Stream the online bot users. :param limit: Maximum number of bot users to fetch :return: iterator over online bots """ path = "/api/bot/online" params = {"nb": limit} yield from self._r.get( path, params=params, stream=True, fmt=NDJSON, converter=models.User.convert )
[docs] def make_move(self, game_id: str, move: str) -> None: """Make a move in a bot game. :param game_id: ID of a game :param move: move to make """ path = f"/api/bot/game/{game_id}/move/{move}"
[docs] def post_message(self, game_id: str, text: str, spectator: bool = False): """Post a message in a bot game. :param game_id: ID of a game :param text: text of the message :param spectator: post to spectator room (else player room) """ path = f"/api/bot/game/{game_id}/chat" room = "spectator" if spectator else "player" payload = {"room": room, "text": text}, json=payload)
[docs] def abort_game(self, game_id: str) -> None: """Abort a bot game. :param game_id: ID of a game """ path = f"/api/bot/game/{game_id}/abort"
[docs] def resign_game(self, game_id: str) -> None: """Resign a bot game. :param game_id: ID of a game """ path = f"/api/bot/game/{game_id}/resign"
[docs] def accept_challenge(self, challenge_id: str) -> None: """Accept an incoming challenge. :param challenge_id: ID of a challenge """ path = f"/api/challenge/{challenge_id}/accept"
[docs] def decline_challenge( self, challenge_id: str, reason: ChallengeDeclineReason = "generic" ) -> None: """Decline an incoming challenge. :param challenge_id: ID of a challenge :param reason: reason for declining challenge """ path = f"/api/challenge/{challenge_id}/decline" payload = {"reason": reason}, json=payload)